Saturday, September 29, 2007

Xbox 360 Live Halo3


Famine Skull Effect: Enemies drop 50% of the ammo they usually drop.

Famine Skull Location:

This skull requires a bit of grenade jumping skill/luck.

You can find the “Famine Skull” on the sixth level, near the point where the path you follow branches off into two sections (one leading to the area where you need to let the tanks across the bridge, and the other leading towards the area where you meet up with the frigate). Take the right path, as you would if you were completing the mission, and you’ll notice a structure above you / to the left of you (near the area where you encounter a few ghosts).

You need to scale the rocks to the right of the structure, and then travel across it so that you pass 3 of the large support beams extending into the cliffs. Inside of the fourth support beam, lies the Famine Skull. A well placed grenade should have you up there in no time!

Another Way of getting the skull according to Kaboodle is to Hijack a Brute Chopper (there are plenty in the level that you can take), and then drive it up the rocks to the right of the structure, and jump the ledge onto the structure. Once on top, simply park the Chopper on the slant leading to the skull, and jump on top of the chopper, and then jump to the skull with a grenade jump.

Famine11.jpg picture by thevadicfamine33.jpg picture by thevadicfamine22.jpg picture by thevadicFamine Skull

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude I'm having trouble finding this scull i've tried Starting the level for the beggining and i still can't find it, could you give me different directions or send me more pictures???
